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“Product quality and safety” are the foundation on which a corporation builds its reputation and sustainable operations. Abnormal substances that can be found in production materials, semi-finished products, finished products, production process, shipping or storage are often the key that leads to risks and even losses to a corporation. Only by meticulously monitoring the quality and safety of products at every link of the supply chain can safe products be produced that customers can trust and rely on.

HerbioTEST has a sophisticated array of test equipment and seasoned team of experts. Our rich international and domestic experiences in testing allows us to provide scientific and professional testing service and help clients create the best solutions with accurate and unbiased analysis results.


We Provide
  • General tests

    Basic testing- Testing for pharmacopoeia or established test methods
    .Genus identification
    .Stability test
    .Typical physical and chemical tests
    .Chemical identification
    .Quantitative analysis of marker substances
    .Pesticide residue
    .Heavy metal analysis
    .Microorganism testing

  • Special tests

    Development and validation of new testing methods- Non-pharmacopoeia tests or testing on established methods
    .Chemical fingerprinting analysis
    .Trace elements
    .Toxic substances
    .Substances leading to adverse effects

  • Customized testing service

The quality of raw material supply chain determines the value of a corporation’s products. Materials of unknown origin or quality may lead to victims of next food/drug safety crisis.

HerbioINSPECT service is a good option for corporations when it comes to choosing good suppliers. It helps eliminate possible hazardous factors during the process of supply and thus establish a monitoring program for “risk management” and “prevention in advance.”

We Provide
  • Material inspection
  • Production facility inspection
  • Product regulation service
  • Customized inspection service

It helps improve consumers’ confidence, increase the economic value of a product, and prevent potential risks effectively if the production process of a product is audited and certified by a third party systematically and transparent certification information is made available to the general consumers.

HerbioCERT has decades of technical experience in Chinese herbal medicine. We provide professional certification service in the area of Chinese herb medicine and foods. It is our job to protect your corporate image and reputation and make your products more appealing to customers.

We Provide
  • Lab management and certification assistance of ISO/IEC 17025
  • Technical competence certification
  • Product quality certification

    .Certified pesticide residue free
    .Certified sulfur-fuming free
    .Certified aflatoxin free

  • Customized certification service

Herbiotek is an associated enterprises of Sun Ten Group. It is a meticulous R&D platform built by combining 70 years of power of research and database of Sun Ten Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and Brion Research Institute of Taiwan, as well as the latest 10 years of experience of SunTen Phytotech (today’s Lumosa Therapeutics Co., Ltd.) in the development of new botanical drugs.

HerbioR&D team provides customized R&D programs and improves the success rate of commodification for any company that is interested in developing botanical drugs or health foods.

We Provide
  • Assistance in R&D of new botanical drugs

    .Entrusted development of chemistry, manufacturing and control (CMC)
    .Assistance in clinical trials

  • Assistance in R&D of health foods

    .Efficacy evaluation
    .Safety evaluation
    .Stability test of functional substances
    .Assistance in preparation and submission of application package

  • Customized R&D service

There are lots of companies spending their precious money and time for nothing as they first set foot into the field of botanical drug and product development that are new for them, because they are not familiar with laws and regulations, lack technical competence and have insufficient hardware establishment. For this, the introduction of professional consultation service will definitely reduce both development costs and time.

HerbioCONS always keeps an eye on the latest laws and regulations in Taiwan and the world in the field of botanical drugs. We have a strong team of consultants with professional background in the development of new botanical drugs. We are able to help companies accelerate the development progress, increasing real revenues and international competitiveness with their expertise.

We Provide
  • Technical consultation
  • Personnel training
  • Consultation for laboratory hardware establishment
  • Customized consulting service